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time for the word salad again

Hey guys I found a cool thing with flying cats and also a little buddy for you.


Yeah there was a hiccup back there. For a week, I hated all comics. Which’ll happen. I recovered by reading, in glorious print and not hardly for the first time, the fine works of Kyle Baker (“the greatest cartoonist of all time,” he bills himself as, I see – not bad, not bad), thus reminding me what I see in this stupid medium and so I recommend his books to you as well. Like, if you’re used to reading webcomic people who really really so hard try to capture the subtleties of human interaction, so hard, you just want to hug them, they’re really working at it, awww – it’s so fuckin’ nice to read someone who just sees it and gets it. Read Print Comics!

I still hate all web comics, set inclusive, but I’m working on it.


So because my head resides in Madagascar far away from the rest of my body (which disgusts me) it was just last week when I finally caught the Harold and Kumar sequel, just in time to give me some additional inspiration for this surveillance-themed Nobody Scores! story I’m working on here. (I have this story, and one more story, and then I am probably going back to one-shots – mainly because this new installment approach has really not turned out to be the time-saver I had imagined – but we’ll see.) Anyway, the sequel, not as sharp as the original, right? Especially the final confrontation stuck out to me. I dunno that you can really spoil a movie like this: it’s one of those stock break-up-the-wedding you’re-marrying-the-wrong-man scenes. And you know, here is the problem with all of those stock scenes:

Shouldn’t the groom’s family be appalled?

You know, instead of everyone cheering & whatever for the random turn of events that just transpired. Not just realistically, though it is – it’d be funnier that way, have half the attendees just sitting there in silence, music plays, the other half weeps and applauds, you turn the camera over for just a split second and you see the groom’s side, all stonefaced. Come on! I am right. I am absolutely right. Thus, I expect all these scenes to work in this superior manner in the future. Keep your royalties, I consider it a public service.

They do lampshade it a bit, where Kumar says in the middle of his moving wuv speech that he’s so stoned he forgot what he was going to say, but it’d have been funnier (less focus-group friendly, probably, but the scene is so so stock) if Kumar were just completely incoherent the whole time, and managed to melt the girl’s heart anyway.

Now, Harold & Kumar 2.7 involves completely rewriting Rob Corddry’s character, who sits right smack in the Over The Top Valley between satirical and surreal – not that Corddry didn’t try. But I am too lazy for rewritings plus out of comedic insights. It is still a pretty fun movie overall.


I like how whenever I punk out on updating this site, the traffic goes up. Then when I come back, it withers. Good for the work ethic, this is.


Let me see if I understand the news:

Earlier this week, Anonymous-slash-/b/tards, under cover of, like, half a Macintosh LC used as a proxy server or possibly as an actual physical shield, hacked into the nation’s financial markets.

That’s basically what went down, right?